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recreational basketball

Registration for all sports is now processed through TeamSnap. Once you click on a registration link you will be automatically redirected to TeamSnap. If this is the first time you have registered for a sport in TeamSnap, you will be required to create a free TeamSnap account on their site in order to register. This is where we will post schedules and updates. We recommend downloading the TeamSnap App and allowing notifications for it. 

helpful links

The Germantown Hills Athletic Association is dedicated to the development of our youth thru athletic programs designed to “teach” sportsmanship, team play, discipline, and responsibility.  The Coaches and the Association members are volunteers donating their time and effort for the betterment of our youth.


Recreational basketball for all children kindergarten through 8th grade.


If you are volunteering to Head Coach your child's team, you can skip paying your child's fees, as your child will not be charged. Please indicate your interest in the volunteer space of the registration form. You can also contact us HERE.

The Golden Coaching Rule


Avoid the 3 L’s- Lines, Laps, Lectures


Train sport-specific.


The kids came to play SPORTS.  Not to hear lectures.

general rules & Regulations

All coaches, volunteers, and parents of players must adhere to the rules and regulations as stated herein:


  • Coaches must use positive coaching techniques and emphasize having fun and player development.

    • This includes practices, team meetings, and games.

  • Under no circumstances should a coach, player, parent, or anyone in attendance be allowed to question a referee/umpire disrespectfully. It is the responsibility of the coach to enforce this rule. Failure to adhere to this rule could result in expulsion from the current game and upon review from the league. Should a coach have an issue with a referee/umpire or call, the coach should bring the issue to the attention of the ref coordinator or director.

  • All players who regularly attend practice and acceptably conduct themselves should receive equal game playing time.

  • Players must wear the approved uniform shirt as supplied by the league. It may be necessary for a player to wear other outer gear but only at the referee/umpire's discretion. 

  • Players must wear approved footgear – this includes cleats or tennis shoes.​

  • Players cannot wear jewelry, including rings, earrings, necklaces, or any pierced jewelry. 

    • All players with newly pierced ears must wear band-aids or other protective coverings for the player’s safety. 

  • Approved sports goggles must protect players who wear eyeglasses.

  • Coaches and players are strictly forbidden from using foul language. Parents and spectators are discouraged from using abusive or vulgar language, creating a poor sports atmosphere.

  • The use of tobacco products of any kind is strictly forbidden during practices and games. Coaches must arrive at games and practices at least 5 minutes early and be ready to go when kids arrive, so no valuable learning time is lost during set-up.

  • It is strongly encouraged that all teams line up and shake hands to demonstrate good sportsmanship after each game.

  • Disciplinary problems need to be addressed first by the coach with the player, then with the parent(s) if there is no change in behavior.

    • Then, if no change is seen, bring the behavior issue to the attention of the league director for additional review.

  • If there are problems with a referee, they should be handled professionally and away from the kids.

    • Thank them.

  • Be Positive – HAVE FUN!!!

basketball general rules

age specific rules & Regulations

Kindergarten and 1st grade  LEAGUE


2nd & 3rd Grade LEague

  • Games will consist of 4 eight-minute quarters. The clock will only stop on the referee whistles, extended delays & at the four-minute mark of each quarter to allow for substitutions (Substitutions are not a time-out, get your players in & out). The team with possession of the ball at the four-minute mark of each quarter will retain possession of the ball when play continues. If the end of a period comes during a shooting foul situation, the free throws will be attempted with the rebound determining possession. The start of each new quarter will be determined by the possession arrow. A five-minute break will occur at half of each game if actual time allows. Games without overtime should end at least 10 minutes before the top of the hour. Depending upon the completion of the previous game, warm-up time may be minimal.

  • ​Play Clock - â€‹A continuous play clock will be used with the clock stopping for the following: injury, official’s time out, personal fouls, and time outs. On a non-shooting foul, the clock will resume when the ball is put into play. On a shooting foul, the clock will resume with rim contact of the first attempt (1 and 1) or second attempt (2 shots). Also, the clock will stop on all whistles during the last minute of each half.

  • Time-outs - â€‹2 time-outs are permitted per game. 1 additional time-out per team if the game goes to overtime.

  • Rim height will be 8-foot for 1st grade and will be 9-foot for the 2nd-3rd grade.

  • 27.5 or 28.5-inch basketball will be used.

  • Players must wear team shirts in order to play. Jersey numbers must be between 1-5 to enable referees to communicate easier with the scorer's table. For example: 1-5, 10-15, 20-25, 30-35, etc... If needed, penny shirts to be provided by the host facility.

  • No watches or jewelry of any kind will be allowed on the court.

  • Since the primary goal of this league is to teach man-to-man defense, wrist bands must be worn on both wrists to enforce this policy. The host facility will provide a set of five different colored wrist bands (10 total wrist bands) for every game. Prior to the start of the game, coaches should meet to determine the color sequence based on ability & height. League officials and league representatives will monitor wristband placement and will make changes if necessary. Because of the wristband rule, open switching of any kind is not allowed.

  • A team should have 5 players to start the game but may finish with less than 5 in the event of an ejection, foul-outs, injuries, etc. In the event of one team playing with less than 5 players, coaches will decide if they want to match up with the same number of players for the remaining game.

  • Because the intent of this program is one of instruction, an equal play rule will be enforced. No player can play more than 1 four-minute period than any other player & a strong effort should be made by coaches to rotate all players through all the various playing positions. Every player must have an opportunity to be in a ball-handling position. A warning will be given to the coach if the same player(s) are in the ball-handling positions. After the first warning, the team will lose possession of the ball every time after. Player substitutions (outside of the normal four-minute mark of each quarter) are allowed only in the event of an injury, but this partial period does not count towards the replacement player’s total number of periods played. A player not present or ready to play at the start of the game must sit the remainder of the eight-minute quarter they arrived in. The player may play in the following eight-minute quarter provided that the player is ready & is entered into the official scorebook.

  • Initially, possession changing violations (e.g. traveling, double-dribble, etc.) should not result in a possession change. The referees will blow the whistle, stopping play and communicating to the player the violation. The offensive team will get the ball back at half court. After 3-4 games, the coaches can agree to waive this and begin regular turnover rules with the agreement of the referee.

  • Upon obtaining possession of the ball, a team is required to complete one pass before attempting a shot (An inbound pass is considered a pass to satisfy this rule). A team in violation of the one-pass rule will lose possession on a missed basket (with a defensive rebound). A team in violation of the one-pass rule on a made basket will be awarded the ball back with the inbound taking place at center court.

  • Team scores may be displayed during each game, but win/loss standings will not be maintained.

  • Lane violations can be called after a minimum of 5 seconds. The referee will attempt to avoid calling this violation by encouraging the player to move out of the lane during play.

  • Double screens are not allowed on or off the ball. A defensive player must be allowed to work thru or around a screen set by the offensive player. A violation of this rule will result in the ball being awarded to the defensive team. Single, staggered screens are allowed.

  • Free throws will be shot from 2 feet in front of the regulation line. However, the shooter may not go after the rebound before it hits the rim. Standard IESA rules apply on entering the lane.

  • Defenders may not initiate Man-to-Man defense until the offensive player has crossed the "defensive line" (volleyball line). Defenders are required to fall back beyond the defensive line after a defensive rebound, made basket, or when the ball changes possession (possession is defined in this example as controlling the ball).

  • Man-to-man defense will be strictly called. Double-teaming is only allowed when the offensive player in possession of the ball enters the lane. In Man-to-Man defense, a defensive player must be no more than two steps away from their offensive player when on the ball side of the court (Strong side). The exception to this rule is as follows: defensive players are not required to play defense outside the perimeter of the 3-point line but they must remain in the area adjacent to their offensive player until an offensive player with possession of the ball enters the lane or their offensive player moves inside the 3-point line on the ball side of the court (Strong side). After a team violation of guarding the wrong offensive player or "sagging" too far off their offensive player, play will be stop to explain what they did wrong & the offensive team will maintain possession of the ball at half court. No zone defenses of any kind are allowed.

  • Double-teaming and guarding a player with a different colored wristband is only allowed when the offensive player controlling the ball is in the lane. After each team violation of double-teaming outside of the lane, play will be stopped & the offensive team will maintain possession of the ball at half court.

  • A defensive player is not allowed to steal the ball from the offensive player who is dribbling the ball. Stealing a pass is allowed.

  • Technical fouls can be assessed by the referees if needed. A technical foul will result in the ball being awarded to the opposing team at half court. A coach receiving a technical foul must remain in their chair on the bench the remainder of the game. A player receiving a technical foul must sit out the remaining time in the half. A coach or player receiving 2 technical fouls will be automatically removed from the game & will be subject to review. Any unsportsmanlike conduct by players, coaches, or spectators will result in that individual being removed from the current game; such conduct is to be determined by the referees and facility supervisor. The first removal from a game for technical fouls or unsportsmanlike conduct by a player, coach, or spectator will result in a 2-game minimum suspension. A second violation will require the individual to a board review which could lead to the removal of the individual from the program with no refund of fees.

  • All calls or decisions made by the referees during the course of the game are final. Disputes regarding rules interpretation will first be directed to the facility supervisor & then to the League Director. If needed, the League Director will consult with the Board President. Unless otherwise noted in this document, normal “IESA” rules regarding gameplay will apply.

  • The head coach & the assistance coach(s) will be allowed on the bench during a game. Coaches are allowed to stand at each end of the court to help coach their team. It is the responsibility of each coach to see that each team member present for the game is entered into the official book prior to the start of the game. It is the responsibility of each player to register with the official book prior to entering the game. The players must report to the scorer at the beginning of each period.

  • Unless otherwise noted in this document, normal “IESA” rules regarding gameplay will apply.

4th & 5th grade league

  • Games will consist of 4 eight-minute quarters. The clock will only stop on the referee whistles, extended delays & at the four-minute mark of each quarter to allow for substitutions (Substitutions are not a time-out, get your players in & out). The team with possession of the ball at the four-minute mark of each quarter will retain possession of the ball when play continues. If the end of a period comes during a shooting foul situation, the free throws will be attempted with the rebound determining possession. The start of each new quarter will be determined by the possession arrow. A five-minute break will occur at half of each game if actual time allows. Games without overtime should end at least 10 minutes before the top of the hour. Depending upon the completion of the previous game, warm-up time may be minimal.

  • A continuous play clock will be used with the clock stopping for the following: injury, official’s time out, personal fouls, and time outs. On a non-shooting foul, the clock will resume when the ball is put into play. On a shooting foul, the clock will resume with rim contact of the first attempt (1 and 1) or second attempt (2 shots). Also, the clock will stop on all whistles during the last minute of each half.

  • Teams tied at the end of regulation can play 1 additional four-minute quarter if started at least 5 minutes before the top of the hour. Games will end in a tie if there are less than 5 minutes before the top of the hour. Substitutions will be allowed at the two-minute mark of overtime (Substitutions are not a time-out, get your players in & out). In overtime, the first team to score a point will win. If no team scores in the additional four-minute overtime, games will end with a tie.

  • 2 time-outs are permitted per game. 1 additional time-out per team if the game goes to overtime.

  • A 28.5-inch basketball will be used.

  • Players must wear team shirts in order to play. Jersey numbers must be between 1-5 to enable referees to communicate easier with the scorer's table. For example: 1-5, 10-15, 20-25, 30-35, etc... If needed, penny shirts to be provided by the host facility.

  • No watches or jewelry of any kind will be allowed on the court.

  • A team must have 5 players to start the game but may finish with less than 5 in the event of an ejection, foul-outs, injuries, etc. A forfeit will occur after five minutes past the designated start time if a team does not have the minimum number of players to start a league game. Coaches may elect to play the game but the forfeit stands for determination of league standings. In the event of one team playing with less than 5 players, coaches will decide if they want to match up with the same number of players for the remaining game.

  • Because the intent of this program is one of instruction, an equal play rule will be enforced. No player can play more than 1 four-minute period than any other player & a strong effort should be made by coaches to rotate all players through all the various playing positions. Every player must have an opportunity to be in a ball-handling position. A warning will be given to the coach if the same player(s) are in the ball-handling positions. After the first warning, the team will lose possession of the ball every time after. Player substitutions (outside of the normal four-minute mark of each quarter) are allowed only in the event of an injury, but this partial period does not count towards the replacement player’s total number of periods played. A player not present or ready to play at the start of the game must sit the remainder of the eight-minute quarter they arrived in. A player may play in the following eight-minute quarter provided that the player is ready & is entered into the official scorebook.

  • All games will start at the designated time unless otherwise specified by the League Director or the League Representative. A forfeit will occur after five minutes past the designated start time if a team does not have the minimum number of players to start a league game (See # of Players rule for details). Coaches may elect to play the game but the forfeit stands for determination of league standings.

  • The league will maintain standings or win/loss records.

  • Free throws will be shot from the regulation line, but no violations will be called for crossing the line on the shot. However, the shooter may not go after the rebound before it hits the rim.

  • Defenders may not initiate Man-to-Man defense until their offensive player has crossed the half-court line. Defenders are required to fall back beyond the half-court line after a defensive rebound, made basket, or when the ball changes possession (possession is defined in this example as controlling the ball). The only exception is when pressing in the last four-minute of the second & fourth quarters and the last two minutes of overtime (See Pressing rule for details).

  • Man-to-man defense will be strictly called. Double-teaming is only allowed when the offensive player in possession of the ball enters the lane. In Man-to-Man defense, defensive players are not required to play defense outside the perimeter of the 3-point line but they must remain in the area adjacent to their offensive player until an offensive player with possession of the ball enters the lane or their offensive player moves inside the 3-point line on the ball side of the court (Strongside). After 3 team violations of guarding the wrong offensive player or "sagging" too far off their offensive player, 1 free throw will be given to the offensive team & will maintain possession of the ball. No zone defenses of any kind are allowed.

  • Double-teaming is only allowed when the offensive player controlling the ball is in the lane. Open switches are encouraged and permitted for defensive purposes. The officials would do their best to determine a double-team. Since open switching is allowed, it makes the call more difficult. The officials will use two different indicators when interpreting a double-team: (1) Is the offensive player being impeded or guarded by two defensive players where two players are making a play on the ball? (2) Is the offensive player stopped or trapped by two defensive players? If either of these conditions is true, the officials will signal a double-team with the ball awarded back to the offense. If neither of these conditions is true, the officials will let play continue until one of these conditions occurs. After 3 team violations of the double-teaming outside of the lane, 1 free throw will be given to the offensive team & will maintain possession of the ball.

  • Man-to-Man pressing will be allowed in the last four-minute of the second & fourth quarters and the last two minutes of overtime provided the team pressing is not leading the game by more than 20 points. A turnover resulting from a double-team or backcourt trap will result in the ball being returned to the offensive team and the inbound play will resume at half court.

  • Technical fouls can be assessed by the referees if needed. A technical foul will result in the ball being awarded to the opposing team at half court. A coach receiving a technical foul must remain in their chair on the bench for the remainder of the game. A player receiving a technical foul must sit out the remaining time in the half. A coach or player receiving 2 technical fouls will be automatically removed from the game & will be subject to review. Any unsportsmanlike conduct by players, coaches, or spectators will result in that individual being removed from the current game; such conduct is to be determined by the referees and facility supervisor. The first violation by a player, coach, or spectator will result in a 2-game minimum suspension. A second violation will require the individual to a board review which could lead to the removal of the individual from the program with no refund of fees.

  • All calls or decisions made by the referees during the course of the game are final. Disputes regarding rules interpretation will first be directed to the facility supervisor & then to the League Director. If needed, the League Director will consult with the Board President. Unless otherwise noted in this document, normal “IESA” rules regarding gameplay will apply.

  • The head coach & the assistance coach(s) will be allowed on the bench during a game. Only the head coach will be allowed to address the officials. The officials reserve the right to remove any coach from the game that does not comply with this rule. It is the responsibility of each coach to see that each team member present for the game is entered into the official scorebook prior to the start of the game. It is the responsibility of each player to register with the official scorer prior to entering the game. The players must report to the scorer at the beginning of each period.

  • Unless otherwise noted in this document, normal “IESA” rules regarding gameplay will apply.

basketball age specific

6th, 7th, & 8th grade league

  • Games will consist of 4 eight-minute quarters. The clock will only stop on the referee whistles, extended delays & at the four-minute mark of each quarter to allow for substitutions (Substitutions are not a time-out, get your players in & out). The team with possession of the ball at the four-minute mark of each quarter will retain possession of the ball when play continues. If the end of a period comes during a shooting foul situation, the free throws will be attempted with the rebound determining possession. The start of each new quarter will be determined by the possession arrow. A five-minute break will occur at half of each game if actual time allows. Games without overtime should end at least 10 minutes before the top of the hour. Depending upon the completion of the previous game, warm-up time may be minimal.

  • A continuous play clock will be used with the clock stopping for the following: injury, official’s time out, personal fouls, and time outs. On a non-shooting foul, the clock will resume when the ball is put into play. On a shooting foul, the clock will resume with rim contact of the first attempt (1 and 1) or second attempt (2 shots). Also, the clock will stop on all whistles during the last minute of each half.

  • Teams tied at the end of regulation can play 1 additional four-minute quarter if started at least 5 minutes before the top of the hour. Games will end in a tie if there are less than 5 minutes before the top of the hour. Substitutions will be allowed at the two-minute mark of overtime (Substitutions are not a time-out, get your players in & out). In overtime, the first team to score a point will win. If no team scores in the additional four-minute overtime, games will end with a tie.

  • 2 time-outs are permitted per game. 1 additional time-out per team if the game goes to overtime.

  • Players must wear team shirts in order to play. Jersey numbers must be between 1-5 to enable referees to communicate easier with the scorer's table. For example: 1-5, 10-15, 20-25, 30-35, etc... If needed, penny shirts to be provided by the host facility.

  • No watches or jewelry of any kind will be allowed on the court.

  • A team must have 5 players to start the game but may finish with less than 5 in the event of an ejection, foul-outs, injuries, etc. A forfeit will occur after five minutes past the designated start time if a team does not have the minimum number of players to start a league game. Coaches may elect to play the game but the forfeit stands for determination of league standings. In the event of one team playing with less than 5 players, coaches will decide if they want to match up with the same number of players for the remaining game.

  • Because the intent of this program is one of instruction, an equal play rule will be enforced. No player can play more than 1 four-minute period than any other player & a strong effort should be made by coaches to keep all players involved in the offense. Player substitutions (outside of the normal four-minute mark of each quarter) are allowed only in the event of an injury, but this partial period does not count towards the replacement player’s total number of periods played. A player not present or ready to play at the start of the game must sit the remainder of the eight-minute quarter they arrived in. A player may play in the following eight-minute quarter provided that the player is ready & is entered into the official scorebook.

  • All games will start at the designated time unless otherwise specified by the League Director or the League Representative. A forfeit will occur after five minutes past the designated start time if a team does not have the minimum number of players to start a league game (See # of Players rule for details). Coaches may elect to play the game but the forfeit stands for determination of league standings.

  • The league will maintain standings or win/loss records.

  • If one team gains a lead of at least 20 points, that team is required to play half-court man-to-man defense only. No zone defense, pressing, trapping, or double-teaming is allowed until the lead is under 15 points.

  • Technical fouls will be assessed by the game officials if needed. A technical foul will result in 2 free throws being awarded & possession of the ball to the opposing team at half court. A coach that experiences a technical foul must remain in his chair or on the bench for the remainder of the game. A coach that receives 2 technical fouls will be automatically removed from the game, and he/she will be subject to review by the League Directors.

  • All calls or decisions made by the referees during the course of the game are final. Disputes regarding rules interpretation will first be directed to the facility supervisor & then to the League Director. If needed, the League Director will consult with the Board President. Unless otherwise noted in this document, normal “IESA” rules regarding gameplay will apply.

  • The head coach & the assistance coach(s) will be allowed on the bench during a game. Only the head coach will be allowed to address the officials. The officials reserve the right to remove any coach from the game that does not comply with this rule. It is the responsibility of each coach to see that each team member present for the game is entered into the official scorebook prior to the start of the game. It is the responsibility of each player to register with the official scorer prior to entering the game. The players must report to the scorer at the beginning of each period.

  • Unless otherwise noted in this document, normal “IESA” rules regarding gameplay will apply.

  • Questions from parents regarding league play or rules should be addressed to the coaches and then the league representative if needed. Parents are not allowed on the court throughout the course of the game unless directed by a league official, league representative, or league director to do so. Appeals of any suspension may be made to the league directors.

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